About the Fund
The Arts Council England Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will support voluntary and community groups to develop creative and cultural activities as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June 2022. The fund has been created by Arts Council England (ACE) with funds from the National Lottery.
What types of projects will the fund support?
The fund will support new creative and cultural activities developed for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. To be eligible projects should engage with at least one of the artforms which ACE supports through its funding. These are:
Projects must also be of benefit to people and/or communities in England.
Who can apply?
The fund is open to voluntary and community organisations with charitable aims and working towards a common goal which does not have to be based solely around arts and culture. This could include youth groups, parent/carer groups and volunteer organisations; however, the application itself must be focused on creative and cultural activity. Organisations need to have been established for at least 12 months.
N.B. National Portfolio Organisations (NPOs) are not eligible to apply as lead applicants but would be a strong partner on an application. We would encourage them to work with local community and voluntary organisations and be partners on their applications.
The closing date is Monday 28 February 2022 and all applicants will have a funding decision by Friday 1st April 2022. The project can begin from 1st April so that preparation can take place such as rehearsals etc. Public-facing activity should take place in June 2022 near the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Weekend.
How much can I apply for?
Applicants can apply for grants from £750 to £10,000.
Special criteria
Applicants are strongly encouraged to partner with an artist, creative or cultural organisation that has been in receipt of ACE funding within the last 4 years to help deliver their project. Although this is not essential in general, we would expect the largest awards (i.e. £5k - £10k) to involve this sort of partnership. A list of ACE supported organisations in Lancashire can be found Click here and you can find out more about ACE supported artists or organisations on their website – ACE Project Grant Awards and ACE Funding map
What can the grant be used for?
Eligible costs include:
How to apply: Please visit www.lancsfoundation.org.uk to complete an online application. Before you submit your online application, please attach the supporting documents listed below. If you are unable to do this at the time of submission, you can email the documents to applications@cflm.org.uk within seven days.
Please read the full guidelines here before completing your application – CLICK HERE