Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Our donors and fund holders are always keen to learn about the outcomes and impact of projects they fund.
We ask you to monitor and evaluate the progress and impact of your project through an ‘End of Grant Report’. This is through a combination of case studies, showing how individuals benefit from your project, as well as the numbers stuff, which shows any measurable impact. It’s a valuable exercise, as you can see just what you’ve achieved, celebrate successes, reflect on progress and any learnings to take forward into the future. Also, when donors see the impact their giving has made, they are more likely to continue with their charitable giving.
Your grant offer letter will outline specific reporting requirements, so before you start you can see what information and data you need to collect at the very beginning. Before your project ends, we will send you an email with a link to your Online Monitoring Form. On this form you will be able to upload your required documents rather than posting them to us.
Some Guidance
How did you do?
The most important and valuable information that we require is around your project outcomes. Please make this as clear as possible by providing statistics, case studies and quotes, which show the impact your project has had on individuals and the wider community. This information is provided to donors. Photographs and videos can be sent to support your evaluation – but please ensure you have the appropriate consents.
What did you learn?
We understand that not everything goes to plan. If something during your project did not work as well as hoped, or you encountered unexpected problems, let us know about it and what you did to overcome the problem, or what you would do differently in the future. This is all useful information and won’t count against you for future applications.
Have you properly recorded and evidenced all expenditure?
We require copies of receipts for all purchases of £50 or over, purchased against your grant. Purchases under £50 should be listed in a table and our form provides a section for this.
Did you benefit from any other support to deliver your project?
If you receive other support, please let us know. This may be other funding through grants or donations, volunteering hours created by your project, or even provision of goods or services from a local business.
If you need any help with monitoring and evaluation, please call us on 0330 440 4900, or email applications@cflm.org.uk

Applying for a Grant
Applying for a grant couldn’t be easier – and our team are on-hand to support you every step of the way.

Promoting Your Projects
Find out how to promote your project, to raise awareness of the work you do, celebrate your success, and get people involved.

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