Applying for a grant
Who can apply?
Make sure you meet our minimum eligibility requirements
See grants available
Go to our Open Grants page to find a grant for your project
Tell us more about your project and how it meets the grant criteria
Our Programmes Team carefully review all applications and carry out initial due diligence checks
Our independent grant panels look at which projects are awarded grants
We aim to notify you about the outcome of your application within a maximum of 12 weeks of your submission
Grants Awarded
When we have received your Funding Acceptance, payment will be made
Your project
Now you are ready to start your project
This information helps us to share your success
Step 1: Who can apply?
Your organisation must have three or more unrelated trustees, directors, or management committee members
You must be either a registered charity, charitable company limited by guarantee, or community interest company (CIC) that is limited by guarantee, or a constituted community organisation
If you are a national organisation you will need to have a permanent local presence, or branch, in Lancashire that delivers projects and services to people in the region. There should be a local management team and evidence of income and expenditure specifically for Lancashire activity.
Step 2: See what grants are available
Do you meet our eligibility criteria? If so, take a look at what grants are currently open, and coming up in the future.
See each grant page for more information on what can be funded, specific eligibility criteria for that grant, application closing dates and more.
Why not bookmark the page so you can regularly check for new opportunities? It’s also a good idea to follow us on our social media channels to keep informed of any new open grants.
Step 3: Application
So, you have found a grant you would like to apply for – what next? It’s easy to apply online. Your application should clearly outline your project plans and how it meets the criteria.
Our top tips:
- Be clear what you plan to do and what you want to achieve
- Focus your application on the funder’s priorities
- Provide evidence that your work is needed
- Make your budget specific – show calculations wherever possible
- Take extra care to meet the deadline
- Use plain English – avoid acronyms and jargon
Please make sure you also send us all the supporting documents we require, including:
- A governing document e.g. constitution or memorandum and articles of association that shows how your group is managed
- A list of your current trustees / directors / management committee members
- Your latest annual accounts or income and expenditure sheet
- A copy of a recent bank statement for your group
- A copy of your Safeguarding Policy. All applicants must ensure that they hold relevant policies and procedures in place to undertake activities, such as Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and/or a health and safety policy, depending on proposed activity. If you need advice, please contact us on the number below.
Please be aware that if you have received a grant from us in the last 12 months and have already submitted copies of the above documents, you do not need to send them in again. However, a bank statement is required with every application.
If you need any help with your application, please contact our friendly team by calling 0330 440 4900, or email applications@cflm.org.uk.
Step 4: Review
Our Programmes Team carefully reviews all applications, carrying out initial due diligence checks.
What we look for:
- Are the finance and governance documents acceptable?
- Does your project meet the priorities of the programme?
- What is your track record in delivering similar projects?
- What is your track record with monitoring and evaluation reporting if you’ve received grants from us previously?
- Does the project make sense in terms of what you want to do and when?
- Does the budget look reasonable?
- Is a sufficient safeguarding policy in place with robust reporting procedures?
We may contact you if we need more information to support your application.
Step 5: Decision
Our independent grant panels look at which projects are awarded grants.
The membership of each grant panel varies. They may include a mix of donors (or their representatives), trustees, community group representation, and those with lived experience. Our Board of Trustees delegates responsibility for decisions on awarding grants to these panels, and the board ratifies the robust processes by which these decisions are made.
We may contact you if we need more information to support your application.
Step 6: Notification
We aim to notify you about the outcome of your application within a maximum of 12 weeks of your submission.
Incomplete applications
If your application is incomplete seven days after submission (for example, if the supporting documents have not been received) then your application will be withdrawn without further notification.
Successful applications
If your application is successful, we will email you with:
- Your grant offer, detailing the amount awarded and any additional information or details from the panel. This will also include a link to our Terms and Conditions, which it is important for you to read and accept.
- Links to your online reporting form(s) and due date(s).
- Information on communicating about your grant and any other helpful information.
If you are unsuccessful…
We understand this can be disappointing news. We will send you any feedback provided by the panel, which might be helpful to you for future applications. Please note that your application could be unsuccessful simply because we have received more applications that we can fund, and it may not be a reflection of the quality of your application. You should receive feedback within two weeks of the date of the grant panel meeting.
Step 7: Grants awarded
When we have received your Funding Acceptance and bank statement, and conditions have been satisfied, payment will be made. Most of our grants are paid by electronic transfer direct to your bank, which is why we ask for an up-to-date bank statement. If for some reason this is not possible then we will send a cheque.
Step 8: Your project
Now you are ready to start your project. For advice on promoting your project click here. Make sure to follow us and tag us on social media channels, so we can share your progress and success. On occasion, we may want to show our donors and supporters the great work you’re doing through ‘Seeing is Believing’ visits, where we come and visit to find out more your project. This helps us show the value of what grass roots community groups do, and helps us to secure more funding and support in the future.
If you anticipate any significant changes to the delivery of your project, or need to reallocate your budget, please let us know in writing by emailing applications@cflm.org.uk.
Step 9: Monitoring and evaluation
We ask all funded community groups to monitor and evaluate the progress and impact of their project through an ‘End of Grant Report’. Donors and grant holders find this valuable as it shows the difference groups like yours make. The ‘End of Grand Report’ should include a combination of case studies, showing how individuals benefit from your project, project activities delivered, and the numbers, such as beneficiary figures and spend details. This information helps us to share your success, and how important the work of the Community Foundation is. Importantly, it also ensures we can attract more funding and support for the future.
Another reason why it’s good to evaluate your project is so that you can see what worked well, and what didn’t. These learnings will help you when you plan your next project and show what you might do differently.
Further information can be found here. The link to the online monitoring report is provided with the grant offer email and we strongly recommend you look at this as soon as you receive it and see what we require.
Our grants process is designed to be as simple as possible but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Programmes Team, by calling 0330 440 4900, or emailing applications@cflm.org.uk.

Open Grants
Do you meet our eligibility criteria? If so, take a look at what grants are available.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can’t find the answer you are looking for? Here are our most frequently asked questions…

Standard Grant Conditions
Check our standard grant conditions for full details of what is agreed.
Who we work with
Your support matters and we thank each and every one of you. Together we can make a difference.