Standard Grant Conditions
In accepting a grant offer from the Community Foundation, grantees agree to do the following:
- Use the grant only for the purpose(s) described in the application form and offer letter, unless otherwise agreed in advance, in writing, by the Foundation.
- Ensure that proper insurance of any equipment remains in place at all times. The Foundation may claim back all or part of the grant to cover equipment that is lost and/or unable to be replaced.
- Actively publicise your project and the support received from Community Foundation. If you need help in promoting your project, click here.
- Ensure the Community Foundation is mentioned in all publicity, including social media, adverts, press releases and marketing literature.
- Ensure the use of both the Donor’s and the Foundation’s logo on any materials relating to the grant. These must be sent to us for approval.
- Support the Foundation’s strategic aims and to work with the Foundation on any joint publicity opportunities in relation to the grant, for example, launch events, cheque presentations and open days. Such publicity opportunities will be chosen at the Foundation’s discretion.
- Accept responsibility for ensuring consent has been obtained as per GDPR regulations for all photography and filming to be used to promote the project – this includes parental consent on behalf of minors. The provision of such photographic and film material to the Foundation for any promotion or monitoring purposes will assume prior consent has been given.
- Keep receipts and other evidence of expenditure for ALL purchases and services and make them available to the Foundation on request. They should be kept for six years. Please note, we cannot fund retrospective projects, all receipts must be dated after the grant approval date.
- Maintain a register of any assets exceeding £1,000 in value that are bought with the grant, and to request the permission of the Grants Committee to dispose of any such item.
- Complete and return the monitoring form that will be sent to them within one month of the end date given in the application. Failure to complete monitoring on time may affect any funding opportunities in the future.
- Maintain records to enable full completion of the monitoring form, including the following:
- Amount spent including evidence
- Intentions regarding any under-spend
- Number of actual users/beneficiaries
- Details of best practice examples
- Provide verbal or written reports on progress as requested by the Foundation.
- The Community Foundation should be acknowledged in your annual report for the year in which this grant was received.
- Ensure compliance with any other specifications in the offer letter.
- Provide evidence at the request of the Foundation to ensure the protection of any children and vulnerable adults involved in the project.
The Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside reserve the right to recall all or part of the grant if the Applicant/Grant Recipient fails to meet one or more of these conditions. Significant breaches may result in criminal proceedings.
1) An Event of Default occurs if:
b) You fail to complete the project, or have failed to make satisfactory progress with the project or any part of it, in accordance with any agreed timetable
c) Any information given, or representations made by you to us is found to be incorrect or incomplete to an extent which we reasonably consider to be material
d) You fail to take adequate measures to investigate and resolve any reported financial irregularity
e) You cease to operate and / or change the nature of your operations to an extent which we reasonably consider to be material, including if you (or any substantial part of your operations) merge with or are taken over by another organisation
f) Before the end of the funding period you:
ii) pass a resolution to wind up your business;
iii) make any composition, arrangement, conveyance or assignment for the benefit of your creditors, or purport to do the same; or
iv) are subject to the appointment of a receiver, administrator or liquidator; or
v) are unable to pay your debts as they fall due;
g) You receive funding from any other source for the eligible expenditure which is funded by the grant;
h) You are involved in illegal activity in your administration of the project.
i) You take any actions which in our reasonable opinion are likely to bring our name or reputation, or that of the wider government, into disrepute, or which pose a risk to public money; or
j) You are otherwise in material breach of this grant agreement.
2) If an Event of Default occurs, we may, at our discretion:
a) Suspend and withhold the payment of grant for such period as we may determine;
b) Require you to repay all or any part of the grant that has been paid to you (or such lesser amount as we may determine) by issuing a demand for repayment. Prior to issuing such a demand, we may (at our sole discretion) give you an opportunity to rectify such breach or occurrence, delay or defer any further payments of grant instalments to you until such time as the breach has been remedied; and/or
c) Terminate the grant agreement by serving written notice where the Event of Default is incapable of being remedied or is not remedied within such reasonable period as we may determine.
Payment of Grant
The grant recipient agrees that it will not apply for, or obtain, duplicate funding in respect of any part of the funded activities which have been paid for in full using the grant awarded from the Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside. Duplicate funding means funding provided by a third party to the grant recipient, which is for the same purpose for which the grant was made, but has not been declared to the grant maker.
The grant recipient shall promptly notify and repay immediately to the grant maker any money incorrectly paid to it either as a result of an administrative error or otherwise. This includes (without limitation) situations where the grant recipient is paid in error before it has complied with its obligations under the Grant Funding Agreement. Any sum, which falls due under this paragraph, shall fall due immediately. If the grant recipient fails to repay the due sum immediately (or within any other timeframe specified by the Grant Maker) the sum will be recoverable summarily as a civil debt.
The applicant/grant recipient understands that providing false or misleading information on their application or subsequent communications related to the fund could lead to funds being withheld or (subsequently) recovered. Civil or criminal proceedings may be considered in the event of non-compliance. Post grant award assurance work will be completed to discover and recover fraudulent funds.

Applying for a Grant
Applying for a grant couldn’t be easier – and our team are on-hand to support you every step of the way.

Open Grants
Do you meet our eligibility criteria? If so, take a look at what grants are available.

Frequently Asked Questions
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