Fort Vale Foundation

Please read the Essenital Information before applying. 

Background Information

The Fort Vale Foundation has been established through donations received from Fort Vale Engineering Ltd.

The Fort Vale Foundation was established by Edward S. Fort OBE LLD (Hon), Founder and Chairman of Fort Vale Engineering Ltd.  The main theme of the Foundation is to support local people and grassroots organisations in the local area of N. E. Lancashire.

What is the focus of the fund:
The fund has been created to support a wide range of charitable projects which will benefit people within the Pendle, Burnley and Ribble Valley areas of Lancashire.

The fund is keen to receive project applications from grassroots groups which focus on:

Applications where the grant will improve the outputs which a group can achieve will be given priority for funding e.g. allows for increased number of beneficiaries, or further reach, or additionality in delivery.


Who can apply:


How much is available: Groups can apply for up to £4,000.

The fund has a budget to award approximately 11 grants.

The panel has discretion to award more if they wish for exceptional cases.

Which areas are covered: Pendle, Burnley and Ribble Valley.


Additional Information:
The fund will consider revenue and small capital projects.

The Fort Vale Foundation wishes to be the principal funder for a project i.e. the fund is unlikely to support applications where the grant would be a small contribution to a much wider project cost.


Community Foundation for Lancashire supports the Real Living Wage, therefore, we would encourage applications which pay staff at the current Real Living Wage of £12 per hour as a minimum - What is it? | Living Wage Foundation


When can you apply:

The next closing date is 4pm Friday 28th June.

You should expect to hear the outcome of your application by mid-August 2024.

Documents which need to be included with your application:

1. A copy of the group’s constitution, governing document or rules

2. A copy of the group’s latest annual accounts or income/expenditure document

3. A list of your current Trustees/Directors/Management Committee

4. A copy of a recent bank statement for your group

5. A copy of the group’s current Safeguarding Policy. All applicants must ensure that they hold relevant policies and procedures in place to undertake activities, such as Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and/or a health and safety policy, depending on proposed activity. If unsure about what you need, please contact the Community Foundation for help (details below).

NB: If you have received a grant from us in the last 12 months and have already submitted copies of the above documents, you do not need to send them in again. However, a bank statement is required with every application.

The following items cannot be supported via the fund:

What happens next?

Completed applications are considered by Community Foundation staff to check eligibility. You may be contacted for more information after applying and a decision-making panel will make recommendations based on the fund’s criteria and the budget available.

You should expect to hear the outcome of your application by mid-August 2024.

For further information, please contact:

Community Foundation for Lancashire

Third Floor,

Stanley Building,

43 Hanover Street,


L1 3DN

T: 0330 440 4900


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